chemmai meaning in english
Word: செம்மை - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chemmai means
1. exactly vertical or horizontal; in a perfectly vertical or horizontal plane
2. precise, as opposed to approximate
3. raised or directed vertically or upward.
4. to point out or mark the errors in
5. capability of the body of distributing inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort.
6. correctness
7. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished
8. the proportion of pure precious metal in an alloy, often expressed in parts per thousand.
Transliteration : cemmai Other spellings : chemmai
1. இந்த பணியை செம்மை படுத்தினால், பின்னால் வருபவர்களும் இதையே தொடர்வார்கள்
inta paniyai chemmai patuttinal, pinnal varupavarkalum itaiye totarvarkal
chemmai means
1. exactly vertical or horizontal; in a perfectly vertical or horizontal plane
2. precise, as opposed to approximate
3. raised or directed vertically or upward.
4. to point out or mark the errors in
5. capability of the body of distributing inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort.
6. correctness
7. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished
8. the proportion of pure precious metal in an alloy, often expressed in parts per thousand.
Transliteration : cemmai Other spellings : chemmai
Meanings in english :
As noun :
correctness fitness integrity fineness neatness grace handsomeness excellence eminence
straightness uprightness rectitude beauty comeliness elegance su perbness respectability dig nity redness ruddiness orange or gold color unity concord agreement
Meaning of chemmai in tamil
chevvai / செவ்வை
cheppm / செப்பம்ozuk kam / ஒழுக் கம்chuttam / சுத்தம்azku / அழகுmenmai / மேன்மைperumai / பெருமைchivappu / சிவப்புmaṟinmai / மாறின்மை
Identical words :
chemmaikatta ( செம்மைகட்ட ) - to adjustchemmaikkal ( செம்மைக்கல் ) - red stone containing metalchemmaipanna ( செம்மைபண்ண ) - to put in orderchemmaikkuvara ( செம்மைக்குவர ) - to be reformedchemmaiyanapatai ( செம்மையானபாதை ) - even roadchemmaipata ( செம்மைபட ) - to become settledchemmaiyanavan ( செம்மையானவன் ) - moral
Tamil Examples :
inta paniyai chemmai patuttinal, pinnal varupavarkalum itaiye totarvarkal
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