chemmani meaning in english
Word: செம்மணி - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chemmani means
1. something made of this stone or one of its imitations, as a bearing in a watch.
Transliteration : cemmaṇi Other spellings : chemmani
chemmani means
1. something made of this stone or one of its imitations, as a bearing in a watch.
Transliteration : cemmaṇi Other spellings : chemmani
Meanings in english :
Meaning of chemmani in tamil
manikkam / மாணிக்கம்the name of different kinds of red stones as patumarakam / the name of different kinds of red stones as பதுமராகம்chempu / செம்புkuruvintam / குருவிந்தம்kuruntakkal / குருந்தக்கல்mamchakanti / மாம்சகந்திchivappumani / சிவப்புமணி
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