chiruttuppoka meaning in english
Word: சிறுத்துப்போக - The tamil word have 13 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chi?uttuppoka means
1. having little height; not tall
2. to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.
3. a social or official position or standing, as in the armed forces
4. the act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etc.
Transliteration : ciRuttuppōka Other spellings : chiruttuppoka
chi?uttuppoka means
1. having little height; not tall
2. to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.
3. a social or official position or standing, as in the armed forces
4. the act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etc.
Transliteration : ciRuttuppōka Other spellings : chiruttuppoka
Meanings in english :
As adjective :
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