chilla meaning in english

Word: சில்லா - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chilla means
1. a region or locality

Transliteration : cillā Other spellings : chilla

Meanings in english :

As noun :
circuit of a judge zillah

Meaning of chilla in tamil

oratikarikkullatankiyavellai / ஒரதிகாரிக்குள்ளடங்கியவெல்லை

Identical words :

chillakkorattu ( சில்லாக்கோரட்டு ) - district or zillah courtchillajatchu ( சில்லாஜட்சு ) - district or zillah judgechillatai ( சில்லாடை ) - fibrous web around the lower part of the leaf stem of palm treeschillan ( சில்லான் ) - play among children
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