chutukatu meaning in english

Word: சுடுகாடு - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chutukatu means
1. any area in which few forms of life can exist because of lack of water, permanent frost, or absence of soil. Synonyms

Transliteration : cuṭukāṭu Other spellings : chutukatu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
place of cre mation place where victuals cannot be got

Meaning of chutukatu in tamil

chutunilam / சுடுநிலம்

Tamil Examples :

1. தொட்டில் பழக்கம் சுடுகாடு வரைக்கும் என்பார்கள்
tottil pazakkam chutukatu varaikkum enparkal
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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