chumti meaning in english
Word: சுமதி - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chumti means
1. an instance of being responsible
2. a cause or occasion of spending
Transliteration : cumti Other spellings : chumti
chumti means
1. an instance of being responsible
2. a cause or occasion of spending
Transliteration : cumti Other spellings : chumti
Meanings in english :
person of discretion one well learned one wise and well disposed burdensomeness incumbrance pressure of duty responsibility large quantity
Meaning of chumti in tamil
நற்புத்தி / நற்புத்தி
அ றிஞன் / அ றிஞன்நற்புத்தியுள்ளோன் / நற்புத்தியுள்ளோன்param / பாரம்mikuti chemati / மிகுதி செமதி
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