ingkichai meaning in english
Word: ஈங்கிசை - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ingkichai means
1. a state of extreme necessity or misfortune.
2. to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like
3. Often, difficulties. an embarrassing situation, especially of financial affairs.
4. a person, act, or thing that causes shame, reproach, or dishonor or is dishonorable or shameful.
5. infamous character or conduct.
6. Medicine/Medical.
ingkichai means
1. a state of extreme necessity or misfortune.
2. to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like
3. Often, difficulties. an embarrassing situation, especially of financial affairs.
4. a person, act, or thing that causes shame, reproach, or dishonor or is dishonorable or shameful.
5. infamous character or conduct.
6. Medicine/Medical.
a mental or physical mark that is characteristic of a defect or disease
Transliteration : īngkicai Other spellings : ingkichai
Transliteration : īngkicai Other spellings : ingkichai
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