ent meaning in english

Word: எந்த - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ent means
1. whichever
2. whatever ; anything that

Transliteration : ent Other spellings : ent

Meanings in english :


Meaning of ent in tamil

vina / வினா

Identical words :

entirm ( எந்திரம் ) - engineentirakaran ( எந்திரகாரன் ) - machinistentiramezutikkatta ( எந்திரமெழுதிக்கட்ட ) - to write or engrave a diagram and fasten it onentiravavi ( எந்திரவாவி ) - machine for drawing waterentai ( எந்தை ) - my father
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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