etirerral meaning in english

Word: எதிரேற்றல் - The tamil word have 10 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : etirēRRal Other spellings : etirerral

Meanings in english :

counteracting a magical evil
coun teracting evil in general attacking opposing or resisting as an enemy receiving in one's own person the weapons discharged by a foe out of bravery to save a friend

Meaning of etirerral in tamil

etireval / எதிரேவல்
tatuttal / தடுத்தல்etirttal / எதிர்த்தல்piṟanmelvaruvataittaneṟṟal / பிறன்மேல்வருவதைத்தானேற்றல்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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