iraivan meaning in english
Word: இறைவன் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
i?aivan means
1. a person or thing preeminent in its class
2. Chiefly British. a size of drawing or writing paper, 48 × 72 inches
3. a person charged with the direction or control of an institution, society, etc.
4. the head or ruler of a tribe or clan
5. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.
6. of earlier appointment or admission, as to an office, status, or rank
7. a father-in-law, stepfather, or adoptive father.
8. divine character or nature , especially that of the Supreme Being; divinity.
Transliteration : iRaivaṉ Other spellings : iraivan
i?aivan means
1. a person or thing preeminent in its class
2. Chiefly British. a size of drawing or writing paper, 48 × 72 inches
3. a person charged with the direction or control of an institution, society, etc.
4. the head or ruler of a tribe or clan
5. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.
6. of earlier appointment or admission, as to an office, status, or rank
7. a father-in-law, stepfather, or adoptive father.
8. divine character or nature , especially that of the Supreme Being; divinity.
Transliteration : iRaivaṉ Other spellings : iraivan
Meanings in english :
Meaning of iraivan in tamil
ktvul / கடவுள்
chivn / சிவன்piraman / பிரமன்archn / அரசன்talaivan / தலைவன்tntai / தந்தைkuru / குருmutton / மூத்தோன்iṟaiyon / இறையோன்ktvul / கடவுள்
Identical words :
iṟaivnvempu ( இறைவன்வேம்பு ) - shrub
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