ittlm meaning in english

Word: இட்டளம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ittlm means
1. a cause of mental or bodily pain, as sickness, loss, calamity, or persecution.
2. a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body
3. an inadequate or defective quality, as in a person's character; slight fault or defect
4. lack of spirit or interest; listlessness; stagnation.
5. a condition of indolent indifference

Transliteration : iṭṭl.m Other spellings : ittlm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
languor lassitude

Meaning of ittlm in tamil

tunpam / துன்பம்
nika / நிகtalarvu / தளர்வு
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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