itainilaimayakku meaning in english

Word: இடைநிலைமயக்கு - The tamil word have 13 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : iṭainilaimayakku Other spellings : itainilaimayakku

Meanings in english :

proper combination of letters in the middle of a word
it is called if otherwise

Meaning of itainilaimayakku in tamil

moziyi lirantezuttu mayankiniṟkai if the same chonsonant be repeated in the middle of a word / மொழியி லிரண்டெழுத்து மயங்கிநிற்கை if the same consonant be repeated in the middle of a wordutanilaimeymayakku / உடனிலைமெய்மயக்குveṟṟunilaimeyma yakku / வேற்றுநிலைமெய்ம யக்கு
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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