irachiyattanam meaning in english

Word: இராசியத்தானம் - The tamil word have 13 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : irāciyattāṉam Other spellings : irachiyattanam

Meanings in english :

interior or secret place in the temple the sanctum sanctorum
women's apartments in the royal palace zenana secret parts of men or women

Meaning of irachiyattanam in tamil

irachiyasta nam / இராசியஸ்தா னம்
a sechret plache as irakachiyatta nam / a secret place as இரகசியத்தா னம்mulastanam / மூலஸ்தானம்antap puram / அந்தப் புரம்maṟaikkappatumavayavastanam / மறைக்கப்படுமவயவஸ்தானம்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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