irumai meaning in english

Word: இருமை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
irumai means
1. large in number; numerous
2. on a great scale
3. important position or standing; personal or social consequence.
4. a cause or occasion of grief or regret, as an affliction, a misfortune, or trouble
5. Mathematics. a symmetry within a mathematical system such that a theorem remains valid if certain objects, relations, or operations are interchanged, as the interchange of points and lines in a plane in projective geometry.
6. a symbol for this number, as 2 or II.

Transliteration : irumai Other spellings : irumai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
greatness hugeness importance emi nence sorrow duality two fold state two Ex: In 1907, for the first time, two (இருமை) Indians were appointed to the Council. two states the present and the future this life and that to come whether as distinct from the body or as reunited with it in another birth

Meaning of irumai in tamil

perumai / பெருமை
makimai / மகிமைtukkam / துக்கம்irutanmai / இருதன்மைimmaimaṟumai / இம்மைமறுமை
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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