iyl meaning in english
Word: இயல் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
iyl means
1. a set of men's garments of the same color and fabric, consisting of trousers, a jacket, and sometimes a vest.
2. to let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook
3. the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization .
4. a social or official position or standing, as in the armed forces
5. a room assigned to a specific person or a group of persons in a commercial or industrial organization
6. a command of a court or judge.
7. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves
8. the code of regulations observed by a religious order or congregation
Transliteration : iyl Other spellings : iyl
iyl means
1. a set of men's garments of the same color and fabric, consisting of trousers, a jacket, and sometimes a vest.
2. to let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook
3. the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization .
4. a social or official position or standing, as in the armed forces
5. a room assigned to a specific person or a group of persons in a commercial or industrial organization
6. a command of a court or judge.
7. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves
8. the code of regulations observed by a religious order or congregation
Transliteration : iyl Other spellings : iyl
Meanings in english :
to be able be possible to be incident to be exposed to agree suit be adapted to to be done per formed made or composed to be destined decreed allotted to happen pass to be in vogue natural property or quality good conduct conduct appropriate to a person's caste rank office Ex: Around 68 percent of international firms have office (இயல்) in Hong Kong. order course rule method appearance shape melody musical harmony section treating of a series of subjects or things in order natural and plain tamil destiny grammar
Meaning of iyl in tamil
இயலு / இயலு
கிறது / கிறதுஇயன்றது / இயன்றதுஇயலும் / இயலும்இயல / இயலகூடியதாயிருக்க / கூடியதாயிருக்கபொருந்த / பொருந்தஇசைய / இசையak / ஆகவிதிக்கப்பட / விதிக்கப்படநடக்க / நடக்கkunam / குணம்ozukkm / ஒழுக்கம்ozungku / ஒழுங்குchayal / சாயல்ichai / இசைottu / ஓத்துviti / விதிilkknm / இலக்கணம்
Identical words :
As noun :
iyalpu ( இயல்பு ) - nature
iyalpu ( இயல்பு ) - nature
iyalpayirukka ( இயல்பாயிருக்க ) - to be able be influentialiyalpullavan ( இயல்புள்ளவன் ) - man of abilityiyalpanapakai ( இயல்பானபகை ) - what is na turally uncongenial or counteracting as medicine to the diseaseiyalpanapakaiyali ( இயல்பானபகையாளி ) - foe by nature as the cat to birdsiyalputappippoka ( இயல்புதப்பிப்போக ) - to be dishonestiyalpuppunarchchi ( இயல்புப்புணர்ச்சி ) - combination of words suffering no changeiylputi ( இயல்பூதி ) - ogle marmelos
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