kantu meaning in english

Word: காந்து - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kantu means
1. an abnormally high body temperature.
2. to feel heat or a physiologically similar sensation ; feel pain from or as if from a fire
3. to be the cause of a sharp, stinging pain, as an irritating application, a blow, etc.
4. a rainfall , rainstorm , or shower

Transliteration : kāntu Other spellings : kantu

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of kantu in tamil

kiṟen / கிறேன்
kantinen / காந்தினேன்ven / வேன்kanta / காந்தpirakachikka / பிரகாசிக்கkarukippoka / கருகிப்போகkaya / காயmanamveka / மனம்வேகveppamuṟa / வெப்பமுறeriya / எரியpoṟamaikolla / பொறாமைகொள்ளchuvaṟṟa / சுவற்றchuta / சுட
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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