karanachchirappuppeyar meaning in english

Word: காரணச்சிறப்புப்பெயர் - The tamil word have 20 characters.
karanachchi?appuppeyar means
1. the corresponding part of the body in other animals.

Transliteration : kāraṇacciRappuppeyar Other spellings : karanachchirappuppeyar

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of karanachchirappuppeyar in tamil

derived names limited in their applichation as muti / derived names limited in their application as முடிa chrown so challed bechause it is put on muti / a crown so called because it is put on முடிon ṟaṟkuriyakaranap்peyar / ஒன் றற்குரியகாரணப்்பெயர்
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