katuka meaning in english

Word: கடுக - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
katuka means
1. made or done with haste or speed
2. coming, given, or arrived at quickly or soon; prompt; not delayed
3. done in comparatively little time; taking a comparatively short time

Transliteration : kaṭuka Other spellings : katuka

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adverb :

Identical words :

As noun :
katukatuppu ( கடுகடுப்பு ) - sullennesskatukatuppayiruttal ( கடுகடுப்பாயிருத்தல் ) - being austerekatukal ( கடுகல் ) - being in haste
As adverb :
katukena ( கடுகென ) - swiftly
katukatuttamukam ( கடுகடுத்தமுகம் ) - angrykatukatuttuppecha ( கடுகடுத்துப்பேச ) - to speak harshlyktukm ( கடுகம் ) - astringencyktukiykanti ( கடுகியகாந்தி ) - kind of pre pared arsenicktuku ( கடுகு ) - to go or pass swiftlykatukalatti ( கடுகாலாத்தி ) - mustard seed waved before a new married pair or otherskatukukkollai ( கடுகுக்கொல்லை ) - mustard fieldkatukutalikka ( கடுகுதாளிக்க ) - to season curry with mustardkatukumani ( கடுகுமணி ) - white mustardkatukenney ( கடுகெண்ணெய் ) - oil of mustard seedktukututtl ( கடுகுடுத்தல் ) - rattling in speaking
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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