kaippiti meaning in english

Word: கைப்பிடி - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kaippiti means
1. a small amount, number, or quantity
2. the quantity contained in a box

Transliteration : kaippiṭi Other spellings : kaippiti

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of kaippiti in tamil

kaipiti / கைபிடி
pitiyalavu / பிடியளவுayutappiti / ஆயுதப்பிடிwedding as panikkirakanam / wedding as பாணிக்கிரகணம்

Identical words :

kaippitiyayppitikk ( கைப்பிடியாய்ப்பிடிக்க ) - to catch with the simple use of the handskaippitival ( கைப்பிடிவாள் ) - hand saw
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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