kaittu meaning in english

Word: கைத்து - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kaittu means
1. to offend the good taste, moral sense, etc., of; cause extreme dislike or revulsion in
2. a feeling of aversion; antipathy
3. a quantity of gold coins
4. abounding in natural resources
5. an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount

Transliteration : kaittu Other spellings : kaittu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of kaittu in tamil

veṟuppu / வெறுப்பு

Identical words :

kaittutaiyan ( கைத்துடையான் ) - moneyed mankaittuppakki ( கைத்துப்பாக்கி ) - hand gunkaittunikrm ( கைத்துணிகரம் ) - acting presumptuously
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