kaiyote meaning in english

Word: கையோடே - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kaiyote means
1. in some particular relation to
2. a single time

Transliteration : kaiyōṭē Other spellings : kaiyote

Meanings in english :

As adjective :
at once
with Ex: Casualties were moderate , with (கையோடே) 24,000 killed . together with a person off hand imme diately without delay

Identical words :

kaiyotekaikut ( கையோடேகைகூட ) - to club to getherkaiyotekaiyaychcheyy ( கையோடேகையாய்ச்செய்ய ) - to do a thing one's self without calling another to finish it
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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