kizkkatuvay meaning in english

Word: கீழ்க்கதுவாய் - The tamil word have 13 characters.
Transliteration : kīẕkkatuvāy Other spellings : kizkkatuvay

Meanings in english :

in every foot but the second

Meaning of kizkkatuvay in tamil

rhyming or totai in every foot but the penultimate / rhyming or தொடை in every foot but the penultimateand in iyaiputtotai / and in இயைபுத்தொடைkatuvaytto taiyinonṟu / கதுவாய்த்தொ டையினொன்று

Identical words :

kizkkatuvaymuran ( கீழ்க்கதுவாய்முரண் ) - in which the first word in every foot of a linekizkkatuvaymonai ( கீழ்க்கதுவாய்மோனை ) - but the penul timate
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