klvn meaning in english

Word: கள்வன் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
klvn means
1. a playfully mischievous person; scamp
2. any of various other crustaceans, as the hermit crab, or other animals, as the horseshoe crab, resembling the true crabs.
3. the fur of certain species of such long-haired animals.
4. a representation of this animal, used in the U.S. since 1874 as the emblem of the Republican Party.

Transliteration : kl.vṉ Other spellings : klvn

Meanings in english :

As noun :
monkey elephant

Meaning of klvn in tamil

tirutn / திருடன்
kariyan / கரியன்nntu / நண்டுkarkkatakavirachi / கர்க்கடகவிராசிkurngku / குரங்குmuchu / முசுyanai / யானை
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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