klukkuppilukku meaning in english

Word: கலுக்குப்பிலுக்கு - The tamil word have 17 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
klukkuppilukku means
1. to run one's fingers lightly over a keyboard instrument or to play such an instrument simply or badly.
2. a clinking sound.

Transliteration : klukkuppilukku Other spellings : klukkuppilukku

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of klukkuppilukku in tamil

aparanattalezumoli / ஆபரணத்தாலெழுமொலி

Identical words :

kalukkuppilukkuppanna ( கலுக்குப்பிலுக்குப்பண்ண ) - to make ornaments tinkle by design
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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