krnai meaning in english
Word: கரணை - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
krnai means
1. a connection between pieces of wood, metal, or the like, often reinforced with nails, screws, or glue.
2. an herb or other small vegetable growth, in contrast with a tree or a shrub.
Transliteration : krṇai Other spellings : krnai
knots in trees small trowel sugar cane or anything of a simi lar from cut in pieces cross wise bar or top of a guitar plant dracontium
krnai means
1. a connection between pieces of wood, metal, or the like, often reinforced with nails, screws, or glue.
2. an herb or other small vegetable growth, in contrast with a tree or a shrub.
Transliteration : krṇai Other spellings : krnai
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of krnai in tamil
krtu / கரடு
kol laṟu / கொல் லறுkarumpumuta liyavaṟṟintuntu / கரும்புமுத லியவற்றின்துண்டுvinaittantu / வீணைத்தண்டு
Identical words :
karanaippala ( கரணைப்பலா ) - plantkaranaippavattai ( கரணைப்பாவட்டை ) - kind of shrub whose leaves are vulnerary
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