kurl meaning in english

Word: குறள் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ku?l means
1. the act or process of abridging .

Transliteration : kuRl. Other spellings : kurl

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of kurl in tamil

chiṟumai / சிறுமை
putam / பூதம்and the sechond of three feet of iyaṟchir and venchir / and the second of three feet of இயற்சீர் and வெண்சீர்kuṟalvenpa / குறள்வெண்பாa che lebrated poetichal work by tiruvalluvar / a ce lebrated poetical work by திருவள்ளுவர்

Identical words :

kuṟalvenpa ( குறள்வெண்பா ) - distich of two metrical lineskuṟalvenchentuṟai ( குறள்வெண்செந்துறை ) - verse consisting of two equal metrical lones of four or more feet each
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