kurl meaning in english
Word: குறள் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ku?l means
1. the act or process of abridging .
Transliteration : kuRl. Other spellings : kurl
shortness conciseness imp or goblin metrical line of two feet distish couplet of short lines first of four in three parts viz
ku?l means
1. the act or process of abridging .
Transliteration : kuRl. Other spellings : kurl
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of kurl in tamil
chiṟumai / சிறுமை
putam / பூதம்and the sechond of three feet of iyaṟchir and venchir / and the second of three feet of இயற்சீர் and வெண்சீர்kuṟalvenpa / குறள்வெண்பாa che lebrated poetichal work by tiruvalluvar / a ce lebrated poetical work by திருவள்ளுவர்
Identical words :
kuṟalvenpa ( குறள்வெண்பா ) - distich of two metrical lineskuṟalvenchentuṟai ( குறள்வெண்செந்துறை ) - verse consisting of two equal metrical lones of four or more feet each
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