kutikolla meaning in english

Word: குதிகொள்ள - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kutikolla means
1. a particular form of this, especially in the out of doors.
2. a merrymaking or party.
3. boldly courageous; mettlesome.
4. an instance of this.

Transliteration : kutikol.l.a Other spellings : kutikolla

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :
high spirited

Meaning of kutikolla in tamil

anantakkut tata / ஆனந்தக்கூத் தாட
chelvamutaliyatenka / செல்வமுதலியதேங்கalavukatakka / அளவுகடக்க
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