kulukku meaning in english
Word: குலுக்கு - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kulukku means
1. to tremble with emotion, cold, etc.
2. the quantity such a container can or does hold.
3. shock caused by the impact of a collision, blow, etc.
Transliteration : kulukku Other spellings : kulukku
kulukku means
1. to tremble with emotion, cold, etc.
2. the quantity such a container can or does hold.
3. shock caused by the impact of a collision, blow, etc.
Transliteration : kulukku Other spellings : kulukku
Meanings in english :
shake affected gestures foppish airs to shake as a vessel palankeen to shake up to shake up and down to jar to jolt to agitate to condense to consolidate by shaking to shake together in a mass to put on airs to be foppish to be vain
Meaning of kulukku in tamil
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