kurankuchchettai meaning in english

Word: குரங்குச்சேட்டை - The tamil word have 15 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kurankuchchettai means
1. Biology. the close external resemblance of an organism, the mimic , to some different organism, the model , such that the mimic benefits from the mistaken identity , as seeming to be unpalatable or harmful.
2. to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.

Transliteration : kuraṅkuccēṭṭai Other spellings : kurankuchchettai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
mean monkeyish tricks as scratching and eyeing carefully apish imi tation

Meaning of kurankuchchettai in tamil

kurankuchcheshtai / குரங்குச்சேஷ்டை

Identical words :

kurankuchchettaipanna ( குரங்குச்சேட்டைபண்ண ) - to play apish tricks
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