kzumu meaning in english

Word: கழுமு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kzumu means
1. to cause to adhere
2. in some particular relation to
3. to make unclear or indistinct
4. finished; ended; concluded
5. stuffed or gorged with food and drink.
6. excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement
7. having or yielding an abundant supply
8. yielding abundantly

Transliteration : kẕumu Other spellings : kzumu

Meanings in english :

As adjective :
confused complete copious
to join unite with Ex: Lastly, the British felt disenchanted with (கழுமு) Indian reaction to social change. to be fascinated to be full replete perfect to be abundant plentiful

Meaning of kzumu in tamil

kiṟen / கிறேன்
kazuminen / கழுமினேன்ven / வேன்kazuma / கழுமinaiya / இணையmayanka / மயங்கniṟaiya / நிறையmika / மிக

Identical words :

kazumul ( கழுமுள் ) - trident
Tamil to English
English To Tamil