marukal meaning in english

Word: மறுகால் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ma?ukal means
1. the corresponding part of the forelimb in any of the higher vertebrates.

Transliteration : maRukāl Other spellings : marukal

Meanings in english :

other leg
sluice way of mason work for a tank on the other hand

Meaning of marukal in tamil

maṟṟaik kal / மற்றைக் கால்kulattuttannirppokku / குளத்துத்தண்ணீர்ப்போக்குmaṟutaram / மறுதரம்as maṟupati / as மறுபடி

Identical words :

maṟukalveṟṟilai ( மறுகால்வெற்றிலை ) - betel leaves of a second crop
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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