mnti meaning in english

Word: மண்டி - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
mnti means
1. Geology. mineral or organic matter deposited by water, air, or ice.
2. Usually, dregs. the least valuable part of anything
3. the side or part that is sheltered or turned away from the wind
4. British. a large retail store.

Transliteration : mṇṭi Other spellings : mnti

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of mnti in tamil

vntl / வண்டல்
klnchiym / களஞ்சியம்periyakatai / பெரியகடைmantipottirukkai / மண்டிபோட்டிருக்கை

Identical words :

mantikkalpota ( மண்டிக்கால்போட ) - to stand firm with the legs bentmantittannir ( மண்டித்தண்ணீர் ) - muddy watermantiyataiya ( மண்டியடைய ) - to settle to the bottom as dregsmntikai ( மண்டிகை ) - cakemntilm ( மண்டிலம் ) - circular motionmantiraval ( மண்டிரவல் ) - jewels borrowed in straits to be given as pledges for money
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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