ntttu meaning in english
Word: நடத்து - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ntttu means
1. a fully mature male animal of this type; stallion.
2. to regulate the course of; control
3. a conveyance moving on wheels, runners, tracks, or the like, as a cart, sled, automobile, or tractor.
Transliteration : nṭttu Other spellings : ntttu
ntttu means
1. a fully mature male animal of this type; stallion.
2. to regulate the course of; control
3. a conveyance moving on wheels, runners, tracks, or the like, as a cart, sled, automobile, or tractor.
Transliteration : nṭttu Other spellings : ntttu
Meanings in english :
As noun :
to cause to walk to lead a child to take one in company to escort to accompany to lead to conduct to guide to carry on to trans act superintent to carry on opperations as the deity to requlate to drive a beast vehicle to deal with to trea
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