nerukkippitikka meaning in english

Word: நெருக்கிப்பிடிக்க - The tamil word have 17 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
nerukkippitikka means
1. to catch up with and pass, as in a race ; move by

Transliteration : nerukkippiṭikka Other spellings : nerukkippitikka

Meanings in english :

to come close in pursuit
overtake to eat too fast too much

Meaning of nerukkippitikka in tamil

karainerukkippitikka karaikkunerukkippitikka / கரைநெருக்கிப்பிடிக்க கரைக்குநெருக்கிப்பிடிக்க
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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