niraivera meaning in english

Word: நிறைவேற - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ni?aive?a means
1. to perform or do, as duty; obey or follow, as commands.
2. finished; ended; concluded

Transliteration : niRaivēRa Other spellings : niraivera

Meanings in english :

As adjective :

Meaning of niraivera in tamil

muṟṟa / முற்ற
chaka / சாக

Identical words :

As noun :
niṟaiveṟṟam ( நிறைவேற்றம் ) - fulfilment
niṟaiveṟṟa ( நிறைவேற்ற ) - to fulfilniṟaiveṟṟikkotukka ( நிறைவேற்றிக்கொடுக்க ) - to executeniṟaiveṟṟikkolla ( நிறைவேற்றிக்கொள்ள ) - to execute for one's selfniṟaiveṟṟampanna ( நிறைவேற்றம்பண்ண ) - to fulfil
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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