niraiyaziya meaning in english

Word: நிறையழிய - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ni?aiyaziya means
1. without hope ; despairing

Transliteration : niRaiyaẕiya Other spellings : niraiyaziya

Meanings in english :

As adjective :
to lose command of one's self from passion to sacrifice principle to lose as chastity to become disprited disheartened to become furious as an elephant in rut

Meaning of niraiyaziya in tamil

nanneṟiyaziya / நன்னெறியழிய
kaṟpaziya / கற்பழியmanavaliyaziya / மனவலியழியyanaimurkkankolla / யானைமூர்க்கங்கொள்ள
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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