nilaitalampa meaning in english

Word: நிலைதளம்ப - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
nilaitalampa means
1. the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed

Transliteration : nilaital.ampa Other spellings : nilaitalampa

Meanings in english :

As noun :
to be moveable to be unsettled as a family to fluctuate to waver to swerve from the path of virtue to be ruined in one's cicumstances to be neglected as one's property or affairs

Meaning of nilaitalampa in tamil

nilai talara / நிலை தளர
uṟutiketa / உறுதிகெடalaiya / அலையnalintupoka / நலிந்துபோகparamariyatukitakka / பராமரியாதுகிடக்க
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