notu meaning in english

Word: நொது - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
notu means
1. to put out or extinguish
2. to put an end to or bring to an end; wipe out of existence; annihilate

Transliteration : notu Other spellings : notu

Meanings in english :

to put out
quench extinguish

Meaning of notu in tamil

kkiṟen / க்கிறேன்tten / த்தேன்ppen / ப்பேன்kka / க்கa vikka / அ விக்க

Identical words :

As noun :
notunotu ( நொதுநொது ) - to be mashy as rice over boilednotunotenal ( நொதுநொதெனல் ) - being mashy
notukku ( நொதுக்கு ) - used only in the phrasenotuml ( நொதுமல் ) - neighborhoodnotumalar ( நொதுமலர் ) - neighbors
Tamil to English
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