num meaning in english

Word: நும் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : num Other spellings : num

Meanings in english :

your property
particle of declension

Meaning of num in tamil

the genitive plural of nir / the genitive plural of நீர்your as numporul / your as நும்பொருள்chompare tam / compare தம்used with el larum in the 2d person plu / used with எல் லாரும் in the 2d person pluas ellirnummai yum / as எல்லீர்நும்மை யும்ellirnummalum / எல்லீர்நும்மாலும்ellirnumakkum / எல்லீர்நுமக்கும்orchari yai / ஓர்சாரி யை

Identical words :

numpi ( நும்பி ) - your younger brothernummor ( நும்மோர் ) - your people
Tamil to English
English To Tamil