otungku meaning in english
Word: ஒதுங்கு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
otungku means
1. to become more distant.
2. the act of withdrawing, as into safety or privacy; retirement; seclusion.
3. to let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook
4. to leave a place; depart
5. to place in a desired state or in order
Transliteration : otungku Other spellings : otungku
to subside recede retreat retire as for shelter drift ashore to a hedge or wall on one side to be put into a corner on one side to pass one side ways with marks of respect to walk pass to become furnished settled adjusted to come to an end
otungku means
1. to become more distant.
2. the act of withdrawing, as into safety or privacy; retirement; seclusion.
3. to let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook
4. to leave a place; depart
5. to place in a desired state or in order
Transliteration : otungku Other spellings : otungku
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of otungku in tamil
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