patiram meaning in english

Word: பாடிரம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
patiram means
1. a similar organ developed from some other part of a plant, as one of those by which ivy clings to its support.
2. any of various low shoes or slippers.
3. tin plate .
4. any similar mass, especially of smoke or dust.
5. rheumatic fever .

Transliteration : pāṭiram Other spellings : patiram

Meanings in english :

As noun :
root sandal tin bambu rice rheumatism

Meaning of patiram in tamil

patiram / பாடீரம்
orki zanku / ஓர்கி ழங்குchantanam / சந்தனம்tuttana kam / துத்தநா கம்munkilarichi / மூங்கிலரிசிvatam / வாதம்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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