pakan meaning in english

Word: பாகன் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pakan means
1. a man or boy in charge of horses or the stable.
2. a despicable person.
3. the customary manner in which a language or a form of a language is spoken or written

Transliteration : pākaṉ Other spellings : pakan

Meanings in english :

As noun :
go between

Meaning of pakan in tamil

as terppakan / as தேர்ப்பாகன்
putan / புதன்utaviyaykkarumamnatattuvon / உதவியாய்க்கருமம்நடத்துவோன்chankamvanki / சங்கம்வாங்கி
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