patikam meaning in english

Word: படிகம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
patikam means
1. the transparent form of crystallized quartz.
2. any artificial or natural substance having similar properties and composition, as fused borax, obsidian, or the like.
3. to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly

Transliteration : paṭikam Other spellings : patikam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
dance alms
As adjective :

Meaning of patikam in tamil

palingku / பளிங்கு
kuttu / கூத்துpichchai / பிச்சைvellilottiram / வெள்ளிலோத்திரம்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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