pillngkuzl meaning in english
Word: பில்லங்குழல் - The tamil word have 12 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pillngkuzl means
1. an organ stop with wide flue pipes, having a flutelike tone.
2. a tube of wood, clay, hard rubber, or other material, with a small bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco, opium, etc.
Transliteration : pillngkuẕl Other spellings : pillngkuzl
pillngkuzl means
1. an organ stop with wide flue pipes, having a flutelike tone.
2. a tube of wood, clay, hard rubber, or other material, with a small bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco, opium, etc.
Transliteration : pillngkuẕl Other spellings : pillngkuzl
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of pillngkuzl in tamil
pillankuzal pil lankuzal / பில்லாங்குழல் பிள் ளாங்குழல்
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