pongkl meaning in english
Word: பொங்கல் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pongkl means
1. fiercely churning or swirling
2. a small globule of gas in a thin liquid envelope.
3. a change brought about by a ferment , as yeast enzymes, which convert grape sugar into ethyl alcohol.
4. overflowing fullness
5. the amount or degree by which one thing exceeds another
6. a great quantity or amount
7. the feeling or the expression of joy.
8. Obsolete. to leap, especially for joy.
Transliteration : pongkl Other spellings : pongkl
pongkl means
1. fiercely churning or swirling
2. a small globule of gas in a thin liquid envelope.
3. a change brought about by a ferment , as yeast enzymes, which convert grape sugar into ethyl alcohol.
4. overflowing fullness
5. the amount or degree by which one thing exceeds another
6. a great quantity or amount
7. the feeling or the expression of joy.
8. Obsolete. to leap, especially for joy.
Transliteration : pongkl Other spellings : pongkl
Meanings in english :
As adjective :
bubbling raging as the sea festival when the sun enters ca pricorn about the 11th of january profusion rejoicing exulting
Meaning of pongkl in tamil
மிகுதி / மிகுதி
மகிழ்தல் / மகிழ்தல்pongku / பொங்கு
Identical words :
ponkalvarichai ( பொங்கல்வரிசை ) - presents sent to a married woman from her parentsponkalvaikka ( பொங்கல்வைக்க ) - to injure a person
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