prppu meaning in english
Word: பரப்பு - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
prppu means
1. the act of a person or thing that keeps ; observance, custody, or care.
2. a thing, person, or group that protects
3. something that is spread out, especially over a relatively large area
4. the state of being extended.
5. the portion or extent of this in a given instance; extent or room in three dimensions
6. any face of a body or thing
7. a geographical region; tract
8. prolixity of speech or writing; discursiveness.
Transliteration : prppu Other spellings : prppu
prppu means
1. the act of a person or thing that keeps ; observance, custody, or care.
2. a thing, person, or group that protects
3. something that is spread out, especially over a relatively large area
4. the state of being extended.
5. the portion or extent of this in a given instance; extent or room in three dimensions
6. any face of a body or thing
7. a geographical region; tract
8. prolixity of speech or writing; discursiveness.
Transliteration : prppu Other spellings : prppu
Meanings in english :
protection to spread to lay out as goods to distend the legs in sitting to expand the wings to disseminate propagate opinions reports to diffuse rays odors to over spread with clouds or darkness to people to furnish with in habitants to stock with creatures to place confusedly as books on a table space surface superficies diffused or extended state of a being corpo real or incorporeal over spreading variety of forms range extent of a subject land measure for rice land of twelve for other lands sea expanse of darkness wide expanse of the world platform of a car vast extent of human beings celling
Meaning of prppu in tamil
kappu / காப்பு
கிறேன் / கிறேன்பரப்பினேன் / பரப்பினேன்ven / வேன்ப ரப்ப / ப ரப்பபொருள்பரப்ப / பொருள்பரப்பவிரிக்க / விரிக்கபரவச் செய்ய / பரவச் செய்யவிருத்தி செய்ய / விருத்தி செய்யஒழுங்கின்றிவைக்க / ஒழுங்கின்றிவைக்கvirivu / விரிவுviyapakam / வியாபகம்mikuti / மிகுதிalvu / அளவுkuzi / குழிchalled neṟparappu / called நெற்பரப்புeighteen kuzi / eighteen குழிchalled nila or nilaipparappu / called நில or நிலைப்பரப்புmeṟparappu / மேற்பரப்புpatukkai of chompounds expressing these meanings are / படுக்கை of compounds expressing these meanings areirutparappu / இருட்பரப்புulakapparappu / உலகப்பரப்புterutparappu / தேருட்பரப்புmakkatparappu / மக்கட்பரப்புmeṟparappu / மேற்பரப்பு
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