pukaichchl meaning in english

Word: புகைச்சல் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pukaichchl means
1. something resembling this, as vapor or mist, flying particles, etc.
2. something resembling this, as vapor or mist, flying particles, etc.
3. vagueness or obscurity, as of the mind or perception; confused or vague thoughts, feelings, etc.
4. water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.
5. absence or deficiency of light
6. glaringly vivid or sensational; shocking
7. to vex by disappointment or humiliation

Transliteration : pukaiccl Other spellings : pukaichchl

Meanings in english :

As noun :
chagrin ill will

Meaning of pukaichchl in tamil

pukai / புகை
irul / இருள்parvaimazunkukai / பார்வைமழுங்குகைvayiṟerivu / வயிறெரிவுcheytivelippatat totankukai / செய்திவெளிப்படத் தொடங்குகைerichchl / எரிச்சல்irumal / இருமல்

Identical words :

pukaichchalpota ( புகைச்சல்போட ) - to make a smoke to drive away musquitoes
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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