pullati meaning in english

Word: புள்ளடி - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pullati means
1. showing wear or being worn out.
2. an herb or other small vegetable growth, in contrast with a tree or a shrub.

Transliteration : pul.l.aṭi Other spellings : pullati

Meanings in english :

bird's foot
foot step cross or mark like a bird's foot step + used like the caret to indicate the addition of something omitted in the writing touch stone plant hedysarum gangeticum

Meaning of pullati in tamil

pullinpatam / புள்ளின்பாதம்
also pullativativu / also புள்ளடிவடிவுuraikal / உரைகல்orcheti / ஓர்செடி

Identical words :

pullatipota ( புள்ளடிபோட ) - to put a cross
Tamil to English
English To Tamil