terram meaning in english
Word: தேற்றம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
te??am means
1. something certain ; an assured fact.
2. promise or pledge; guaranty; surety
3. something that is given great stress or importance
4. to make physically comfortable .
5. to grow or develop vigorously; flourish
6. securely fixed in place.
Transliteration : tēRRam Other spellings : terram
te??am means
1. something certain ; an assured fact.
2. promise or pledge; guaranty; surety
3. something that is given great stress or importance
4. to make physically comfortable .
5. to grow or develop vigorously; flourish
6. securely fixed in place.
Transliteration : tēRRam Other spellings : terram
Meanings in english :
Meaning of terram in tamil
as teṟal / as தேறல்
telivu / தெளிவுmnṟ / மன்றteṟṟakkuṟippu / தேற்றக்குறிப்புas teṟṟaravu / as தேற்றரவுas teṟal / as தேறல்chezippu / செழிப்பு
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