techopattiravam meaning in english

Word: தேசோபத்திரவம் - The tamil word have 13 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
techopattiravam means
1. a special form or variety of this liquid, as rain.
2. the state or an instance of being sick ; illness.
3. any extreme and general scarcity.
4. an instance of this

Transliteration : tēcōpattiravam Other spellings : techopattiravam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
general cala mities which are five: 1 water sickness death general and national distress

Meaning of techopattiravam in tamil

தேசவியாகுலம் / தேசவியாகுலம்
tannir / தண்ணீர்noy / நோய்pnchm / பஞ்சம்chavu / சாவு
Tamil to English
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